Oversetting Upload Size Limits in Windows SharePoint Services 2003 – BAD
We set our upload size limit to 40,000 megabytes on our Virtual Server settings. … This was very bad. Apparently if the setting is set too high, it’s essentially interpreted to be zero by the application. …
NOTE: Apparently I wrote this around early-August, but never posted it, so I posted it today after finding the draft in my WordPress. – Updated to WordPress 2.3.1. Apparently some security fixes as well as normal feature updates. Requires a DB upgrade, so be sure to hit that admin link to do the DB upgrade.…
Alternate Access Mapping 2007 Research Links
We must migrated from 2003 to 2007 this past weekend (Friday, actually), and now the mapping is causing problems for our MAC users, who can’t use UNC hostnames, but have to use full hostnames. So I’m doing some background research on the issue. Links: – http://forums.microsoft.com/TechNet/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=521109&SiteID=17 – http://technet2.microsoft.com/Office/en-us/library/be9d31d2-b9cb-4442-bfc6-2adcdbff8fae1033.mspx – http://blogs.officezealot.com/mauro/archive/2007/03/02/20178.aspx – http://www.experts-exchange.com/OS/Microsoft_Operating_Systems/Server/MS-SharePoint/Q_22117646.html – http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms771995.aspx –…
SharePoint Developer Environments (Esp. 2007)
About a year and a half ago, our petition at my current work site to create/use developer environments for SharePoint (then 2003) was punted, mostly because the requirements for dev environments are almost completely diametrically opposed to the various security and systems policies at this site. The detente when finally reached was that we could…
I’m doing research today to answer multiple questions. Questions: I recreated my MOSS 2007 SSP a while back and now MySite creations aren’t working for anyone. It’s not working exactly like the discussion at Technet Forums. Still researching this one. On a related note, I need to nail down exactly how to create personalized MySite…
Miscellaneous research points from this morning
A decent “buyers’ guide” for Antivirus plugins for SharePoint is at Windows IT Pro. Instructions for moving from one set of content databases to another in SPS 2003 (aka v2) on Technet. Am currently trying to work on the UPDATE problem for Data View Web Parts in MOSS 2007/SharePoint Designer.
Very good permissions overview for SharePoint
From modonovan’s SharePoint and Stuff, comes a gem of a blog post about SharePoint Services and App Pool Account Permissions. It’s from last year, but quite relevant (to my current troubles, anyway).
Search Link Salad
Stuff for me to remember based on current research (more about searching in WSS 2003, but am finding links related to future configurations of SPS2003 or MOSS 2007 search): Some documents are not returned in the search results when you use the Advanced Search feature in SharePoint Portal Server 2003 to search for content that…