
This blog, at least the older Operations posts, is primarily about SharePoint 2003 (Portal and Windows SharePoint Services). I’ve since moved on to SharePoint 2007/MOSS so I will try to be clear. In my workplace SharePoint 2010 is still a contested reality, so we’ll see.

Categories will/should be technology/version specific, and I’ll try to be diligent about that.

Mostly I’m concerned about making this part of the blog accurate because I know that in early 2003, when SharePoint was transitioning between SharePoint Portal Server 2001/SharePoint Team Services 2001 and SharePoint Portal Server 2003/Windows SharePoint Services 2003, articles/blog entries were not marked specially as one or the other version. Since at the time as I was just learning about the product, it often took me the whole article to realize it was for the wrong version from what I was working with. I’d prefer not to give folks the same problems here, especially as we are all about to start transitioning between 2003 and 2007 versions (as well as ASP.NET 1.1 and ASP.NET 2.0).