Category: Servers

  • “Unknown Error” and OOTB SharePoint 2007 builtin Workflows

    If you are playing with Approval workflows, and you find that your workflows are erroring out even when you think it should have completed successfully, make sure you aren’t in a situation where you’re updating the approval status without having the approval functionality of your document or workflow library enabled. It’s all built-in, but it…

  • Kerberos SSPI/PAC errors and NetLogon errors 5719 and 5783 and Login Failure Audits – Oh my!

    We appear to be having a bunch of Kerberos errors in our SQL clusters that represent 2-30 minutes of downtime at a stretch. A recent network change seemed to help a lot, but is unfortunately not technically supposed to affect our issues at all. Still we wait and see if the errors happen again. The…

  • A good guide to Configuring Incoming E-mail Settings for Office SharePoint Server

    (though I didn’t get it entirely right, apparently) Link (Technet).

  • SharePoint 2003 Reader Permissions include… Export to Spreadsheet!

    I had to find this out for a customer this morning. It’s true: Being able to read something means they’re okay with exporting to a spreadsheet. We may need to “Lock this down” but all I can think of is to use javascript to hide the control, which is not really locked down per se.

  • Dev VM Farm Notes

    Had a similar problem to this one, wherein the SharePoint Timer service appeared to be screwing around with my app pool settings for my SSP web application. Not entirely sure what caused it (because I wasn’t taking notes – trying to set this one up quickly) but I found the problem while trying to set…

  • Various

    NOTE: Apparently I wrote this around early-August, but never posted it, so I posted it today after finding the draft in my WordPress. – Updated to WordPress 2.3.1. Apparently some security fixes as well as normal feature updates. Requires a DB upgrade, so be sure to hit that admin link to do the DB upgrade.…

  • Alternate Access Mapping 2007 Research Links

    We must migrated from 2003 to 2007 this past weekend (Friday, actually), and now the mapping is causing problems for our MAC users, who can’t use UNC hostnames, but have to use full hostnames. So I’m doing some background research on the issue. Links: – – – – – –…

  • Getting Partial and Complete Full Farm backups to restore properly on 2007

    This is my research today/this week, until I get it working and properly documented, at least on our configuation traking Wiki. Links: ITPRODSK-106: Microsoft Office SharePoint Disaster Recovery (recommend IE only): Colleagues have alluded to “The GUID Problem” wherein if you don’t take a site collection’s content database offline before restoring a copy of…

  • SharePoint Developer Environments (Esp. 2007)

    About a year and a half ago, our petition at my current work site to create/use developer environments for SharePoint (then 2003) was punted, mostly because the requirements for dev environments are almost completely diametrically opposed to the various security and systems policies at this site. The detente when finally reached was that we could…

  • Send to -> Other Location sort of works!

    (Woops, had to replace the images after pixelizing out all the identifying URL and ID information from the screenshots.) (Woops 2, apparently I have now broken the image attachments here, so maybe I have to do it all again, sigh. Will do so later – Short version is that IE7 seems to be able to…