Getting WebDAV to work for Windows Network Providers against SharePoint 2007
The picture is not entirely complete here, but I made a lot of progress with this as an open (now closed) troubleshooting ticket with Microsoft. The short summary is that using a Microsoft whitepaper (linked to below), I could get Windows XP SP2 workstations to work properly opening an Explorer View to a SharePoint 2007…
Coupla Things – PowerShell and MD5 sums for MS’s MOSS 2007 VPC files
1) PowerShell If you are involved in Systems Maintenance and the systems are Windows-based (pref. OS: Windows Server 2003+), you owe it to yourself to check out Microsoft Windows PowerShell. This is a .NET 2.0 shell, yes, but architected from the ground up to enable automation, and it enables all sorts of WMI-interfaces and reflection…
Alternate Access Mapping 2007 Research Links
We must migrated from 2003 to 2007 this past weekend (Friday, actually), and now the mapping is causing problems for our MAC users, who can’t use UNC hostnames, but have to use full hostnames. So I’m doing some background research on the issue. Links: – http://forums.microsoft.com/TechNet/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=521109&SiteID=17 – http://technet2.microsoft.com/Office/en-us/library/be9d31d2-b9cb-4442-bfc6-2adcdbff8fae1033.mspx – http://blogs.officezealot.com/mauro/archive/2007/03/02/20178.aspx – http://www.experts-exchange.com/OS/Microsoft_Operating_Systems/Server/MS-SharePoint/Q_22117646.html – http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms771995.aspx –…
Creating new My Site hosts for MOSS 2007
If you should happen to recreate your SSP or your MySite host in MOSS 2007, you may find that the wizard that helped you out the first time with properly configuring your MySites host may have flown the coop and you’re left at sea about how to proceed. I know I was. On trying to…
I’m doing research today to answer multiple questions. Questions: I recreated my MOSS 2007 SSP a while back and now MySite creations aren’t working for anyone. It’s not working exactly like the discussion at Technet Forums. Still researching this one. On a related note, I need to nail down exactly how to create personalized MySite…
Deleting an unwanted file or set of files completely from your Subversion repository
This is not designed to be easy to do, since Subversion is a source control repository, but it’s possible. We had a large file added to our repository by a new guy, who will not since do such a thing again, and it’s not a big deal except that we do backups every day, and…
Oy! – Inaccuracy in order of steps in a MS support document screws up the process
This almost sucked. Hard. The Microsoft Technet article I linked to previously about moving the WSS Content Database in WSS 2003 is pretty good! Except for the last section, under Moving the Datases, subsection “Set the content database in Windows SharePoint Services”. Unfortunately, the article says you should, for each Virtual Server, remove/disconnect each content…
Miscellaneous research points from this morning
A decent “buyers’ guide” for Antivirus plugins for SharePoint is at Windows IT Pro. Instructions for moving from one set of content databases to another in SPS 2003 (aka v2) on Technet. Am currently trying to work on the UPDATE problem for Data View Web Parts in MOSS 2007/SharePoint Designer.