Office 2007 Beta 2 Technical Refresh (B2TR) and the “The file is not available.” error.
After I applied the Technical Refresh updates to my Office 2007 Beta 2 installs, I started getting this error whenever I tried to open a file with an Office 2007 application (either by double-clicking within the Windows Explorer file list, or by opening the file from within the application): The file Testing.docx is not available.…
Office 2007 Beta 2 Reinstall Troubles
Somehow, while uninstalling and reinstalling various bits of Office 2003 and Office 2007 (license/product key management – I am now entirely converted over to my workplace’s Office 2003 Enterprise licenses – this enables me to run my workplace’s Infopath), I have managed to screw up my ability to install Office 2007 Beta 2 and Office…
What is wrong with you Microsoft Only people? – Checksum utilities for verifying large files
So today I am downloading the 2007 Office Beta 2 installs (and whoever heard of paying $1.50 for 5 download tries? I sort of understand, but if it were really just covering bandwidth fees, I should think it would be a lot lower). I note that the download listings/product key e-mails do not come with…